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It is through strategic B2B partnerships that companies truly begin to flourish, and Corefficient is no exception.

Corefficient’s strategic partnership with steel manufacturer, National Material de Mexico, is great for our customers – because that means our electrical steel supplier is right down the road.  That means faster turnaround and lower costs.

NMM is a subsidiary of National Material L.P., which operates 16 steel service centers and processing facilities in North America.

National Material L.P. specializes in supplying, servicing, and processing steel with unmatched efficiency and capacity due to the company’s substantial list of capabilities. Proud to be minority-owned, ISO-certified, and uncompromised in its safety standards for their employees, National Material L.P is a leader through efficiency, innovation, and performance.

Companies that possess a compelling history often inspire an extraordinary kind of commitment amongst their workers. It is this very dedication that leads to a strong and successful corporate legacy.