Advantage of On-site Transformer Core Painting Booth

Corefficient provides a variety of transformer core services, all of which allow us to continually be a leading electrical transformer core manufacturer. One of our many services is in-house transformer core painting. Our on-site transformer core painting booth facility produces a powder coating epoxy finish that produces a thermoset coating.

Our manufacturing includes core painting at customer request and the finish can be customized per their specifications. The advantage of core painting is that it offers resistance to exposure and corrosion and is resistant to a variety of chemicals; this helps ensure your electrical transformer investment. The anticorrosive paint along with our extra coat of enamel paint is applied to the outside of the tank while the inner part is painted with a protective varnish. All of these benefits increase overall efficiency of your transformer core and by having an on-site facility to apply these benefits then increases the overall production efficiency.

Why use a powder coating?

Powder coating is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. It is applied electrostatically and is put under heat to allow it to form to a skin. This creates a hard finish that is tougher than conventional paint.


  • Can produce thicker coats than conventional liquid coats without running
  • Produces more consistent appearances
  • Emits zero or near zero volatile organic compounds
  • Produces less hazardous waste during production than traditional liquid paints
  • Allows for a wider range of specialty effects
Advantages of on-site transformer core painting

Like any other on-site service, having our painting booth at our plant facility provides many benefits during the manufacturing process which then translates into better products for our customers. Some of these advantages include:

  • Cost savings: Because we do not outsource our painting, we do not have to pay for a third party service which reduces our overall production cost. If we were to outsource, we would have to pay for the transportation to and from the provider as well as the painting service.
  • Consistency: With an on-site facility, we can monitor the process much more closely to guarantee quality and consistent products each time.
  • Producing product from start to finish: Because we provide transformer core design, production, painting, and testing, you know that Corefficient has the full scope of capabilities. By keeping our process in-house, we become much more fluid in making sure each step in the process ties together seamlessly.

Please contact us here to find out how Corefficient’s on-site painting booth facility can benefit you!

More about Corefficient
Based out of Monterrey, Mexico, Corefficient’s state-of-the-art facility is committed to adding value to their transformer core products. Part of the National Material L.P. family of companies, Corefficient specializes in the fields of core engineering, transformer core design, magnetic core expertise, cold rolled steel, grain oriented steel, electrical steel, and – most importantly – customer service.

Contact Corefficient’s sales engineer today at: 1 (704) 236-2510.

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