Find Corefficient at April 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society Conference

IEEE Power & Energy Society Conference

If you’re browsing our blog, there’s no doubt that you’ve heard of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers).

If you’re not in the know, The IEEE holds the title for the largest technical professional association (close to 430,000 members!). Despite their name, the scope of their organization goes far beyond just electrical engineering, and includes computer science, software development, physicists, medical scientists and many similar professions. Their mission statement, according to their website, is “…to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.”

  • 421,000+ members in 160+ countries
  • 1800+ global conferences annually
  • 39 technical Societies, 2,000+ technical Chapters
  • 1,100+ active standards
  • Local activities in 300+ Sections

Next year, Corefficient will be attending a IEEE Power & Energy Society Conference, where professional keynote speakers will give speeches on the state of the electrical transformer industry, as well as the electrical engineering industry as a whole. Companies around the world gather at these conferences to share insights and learn the latest.

From April 23-25, 2018, the 5th annual IEEE Power & Energy Society Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS) will unfold in Kitakyushu, Japan. Also sponsoring are the Tokyo/Japan Jt. Sections PE Chapter and the Kyushu Institute of Technology.

The purpose of this conference, as they phrase it on their website, is “to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners from all over the world, interested in the advances of power systems, energy conversion, power electronics, and electric drives. The objective of the conference is to provide scientific and professional interactions for the advancement of the electric energy field in the world. Recent development of complex systems such as distributed power systems, electric vehicles and traction systems, and renewable energy systems are encouraged.”

Further details can be found as they are posted to the conference’s website, which is currently under construction.

You’ll find Corefficient mingling at the conference, sharing ideas about our specialty, energy efficient electrical transformer cores.

Stop by and say hi! We would love to have a word with you – and if you’d like to connect in the meantime, give our sales team a call at 1 (704) 236-2510.


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