New Electrical Regulations Are Encouraging Citizens to Buy Electric Cars

As electric cars slowly gain more market share in the automobile industry, new electrical regulations are being implemented in cities across the globe.

Take Port Coquitlam, BC for example. The municipalities proposed legislation would mandate that new homes, apartment complexes and other residences would be required to include charging infrastructure for electric automobiles. These new electrical regulations would be following similar successful legislation that sanctioned EV regulations for buildings in Vancouver, North Vancouver, and Richmond.

At CorEfficient, we stay on top of all new electrical regulations in order to provide quality cores for all clients. Click here to learn more about the transformer core services we offer.

Mandates such as these across the world, being led by states in the U.S like California, or Scandinavian countries in Europe, will no doubt increase the population’s overall willingness to switch from gas-based automobiles to electric vehicles. For a lot of prospective customers, lack of reliable infrastructure surrounding electric cars is the major deterrent when they contemplate making the switch. Though mandating these new electrical regulations could slightly raise construction costs across the board, it could be argued that the upfront cost of these regulations is a net benefit to the earth when it comes to reducing harmful emissions that are a byproduct of combustion based engines.

You may have already noticed the appearance of electrical charging stations becoming a more common sight in the United States- from 5,678 charging stations, located at gas stations, parking garages, and apartment complexes in 2013, to 12,000 at the end of 2015, it’s hard not to become excited at the prospect of futuristic technology becoming more integrated in our day to day lives. However, it’s evident when hearing common complaints from electric car owners (that charging stations are not ubiquitous enough to make cross country travel feasible, or that within cities charging stations are often taken and require a great amount of waiting to get your car charged) that more development is required before the electric option becomes more attractive to the average consumer.

When your means of transport are on the line, the need for high-efficiency transformer cores housed within these charging stations will be of great importance. Luckily, Corefficient is on the forefront of transformer core technology- and we’re ready to help bring safe and efficient electric car charging to the masses.

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