Re-Release: Video: Electrical Transformer Top Yoke Disassembly 

This video is the real-time disassembly of the yoke taking approximately 2 minutes. There’s a misconception in the industry that in receiving a fully assembled core, that having to remove and add in the top yoke has an effect on core losses in the transformer core – increasing the destruction factor of the transformer core. Corefficient has proven through our own testing and evaluation that this is not the case. We’ve removed and added in top yokes after our “drop and top process,” determining that there’s little to no effect on core performance. Interested in the reassembly process? See time-lapse video of the WHOLE disassembly and reassembly process.

Visit Corefficient online @, contact our North America Sales Engineer: 1(704) 236-2510 or call us directly in Monterrey, México: (81) 2088-4000.

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